Since we attend quite a few markets during the year, we spend alot of time loading and unloading our car (we've gotten really good at fitting candle and soap boxes into deceptively tiny spots under the seats, etc!) Here's a photo of David getting ready for a show in north Mississippi. His sidekick is Gunther--a "gentle giant" who looks tough as nails and is afraid of everything!
This is Charm, the 2nd of our 3 dogs. (Grace, the Bassett Hound, was undoubtedly either asleep or eating when these photos were taken...) Charm has a piercing bark and the most delicate eating manners I've ever seen. Her nickname is "Donut Dog" because she turns around and around with nose to tail when you try to pet her.
Well, David has made it to market! We're usually under a bright red tent but some shows specify white tents only. We both really enjoy the markets--meeting folks, talking with other vendors, listening to live music. Sometimes our daughters go with us, and I love that they're learning that you can make a living making stuff and that it's especially great doing it with your whole family.