28 November 2007

Hounds + Heirlooms

Things have been a little crazy around Camp Topisaw.

We've been interested in "heirloom" plants and animals for a long time now and finally decided to take the plunge and purchase a few cows, a few sheep... After locating a wonderful, close-by source, we arranged to purchase 5 head of Piney Woods Cattle and 3 Gulf Coast Native Sheep. Both of these breeds are listed as "critical", meaning there are fewer than 200 annual N. American registrations and fewer than 2,000 global population, by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.

So the big day arrived, the animals were unloaded into the fenced enclosure, and we visited and enjoyed watching them until nightfall. AND THEN...the next morning the cows were gone. David found them behind the swingset and tried to lure them with food. No good. They ended up running through the spring, across the creek and into the very wild woods beyond. A visit to our neighbors brought results--they corralled the wayward creatures...for a few hours. The bull broke out, and his ladies followed. A few days later, they were "captured" again, only to break out after eating their host's generous outpouring of sweet feed. We were truly in despair--we had waited so long to get these animals, they were a rare breed, and they were loose somewhere on the banks of the Topisaw Creek. Then, as is always the case, God heard our cries. One morning, 4 days after their escape, they simply came wandering into our yard. They had recrossed the creek and found their way home. I can't tell you how much I admire these animals.

And then there was the hunt! Our oldest daughter rode in her first hunt earlier this month. The whole event was stunning. The rest of us rode in the "Talley-Ho Wagon" and admired the beautiful horses, stately riders. It was a gorgeous day.

I'll tell you about the sheep next time...



luvs2ride said...

I see Isi left of Sue (red coat) and Paul on her right - right?

Camp Topisaw said...

Yep. Good looking, aren't they?!