10 April 2010

Eggs in several colors

The hens are certainly making up for lost time this winter by laying prodigious numbers of eggs now that spring has arrived. We are getting about three dozen eggs everyday, which takes up a lot of refrigerator space. I am thankful that we have a separate fridge that we can dedicate solely to egg storage. While I have had many dozen at once earlier this spring, I now only have a few to store, thanks to the boom in our eggs' popularity. The eggs pictured come from our mixed flock of Black Australorps, Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, and Marans chickens. They surely are good, and far superior to those available at the local markets. Let us know if you'd like to try a dozen or two.


Matushka Anna said...

I can vouch for the quality of the eggs! They're beautiful as well.

Camp Topisaw said...

So glad you enjoyed them! I'm always amazed by the array of colors.